Signs of June

Hello Folks,

Things are moving fast on the farm these days!  Our mid-June food push is officially underway with a lot to bring to the market stand this week as well as a lot to do in the field. More tomatoes to trellis, fall brassicas to plant, peas to pick, and weeds to pull!  Albeit dry, the weather has been particularly delightful these days (unless you count the tornado, apparently I was buried in beets and did not notice it) and it helps tremendously with all of the work that needs to get done in June.  Other sure signs of June...the dragon flies are back and busily being their carnivorous selves.  It is so magical to watch them hovering 2 feet from the ground, looking for prey in the evening light.  It is an assurance that some biological systems are still functioning in this crazy world.  Speaking of this crazy world, you can see pictures of much of the stuff we are doing on our Instagram and Facebook pages, so check it out if you are curious! 

This week we are back in baby mode, baby vegetables that is.  We have baby beets that are nice and easy to prepare, no need to peel them just chop the tops and roast them whole at 375 for about 30-40 min.  Slip the skins off if you want and toss with sautéed beet greens and balsamic.  Add some goat cheese or feta if you enjoy the dairy...nothing goes better with beets than goat cheese!  You can save some for a baby beet and goat cheese pizza too.  Add some arugula and you will be thrilled.  Substitute pasta or salad for the pizza part if you are so inclined.  Baby fennel is also back. One of my favorite spring treats, I slice this stuff thin and add it to a barley or farro salad...raw!  Roast it with the beets if you would like a more caramelized version.  Slowly cook it in a caste iron for pizza with pesto from the freezer and figs.  The fronds are much stronger than the bulbs, use some if you would like in pasta or as a finishing herb but a little goes a long way! 

Many folks are asking if you can eat the Kohlrabi greens, the answer is yes, but they are a bit tougher than many of the other greens...I like to refer to them as greens for the end times.  Your chickens will like them.

Looking forward to seeing you all real soon!


This Week's Harvest






Salad Mix


Salad Turnips

Baby Bok Choy


Baby Beets

Baby Fennel


Sugar Snap Peas