Thank you for a great season!


Hello Folks,

Well, we all did it - we have made it to the last week of the farm share season with snow on the ground and below zero temps. Seems to be pretty standard for this year - another 2020 surprise for us all. We weathered the storm and were as prepared as could be for the big snow and the record cold. We are thankful for the moisture and natures help with the area's wildfires. We are also thankful to see the blue skies and sun return to allow the snow to melt and soak in so we can get back into the fields to work on our fall field clean up and final harvests.

The list is still long for us with field clean up, planting garlic for next year, harvesting final storage crops, seeding winter cover crops, reskinning high tunnels, and generally tucking the farm in for the winter. We then start right away with planning for the next season and we hope to be able to share some very exciting news with you all regarding our ongoing land tenure saga.

This week's harvest brings us back to spring a little with greens returning and a lot of the fall crops still on the menu. We are enjoying having the oven and stove on again with roasted root veggies, winter squash, and braised cabbage as well as soups and fall salads sprinkled throughout the days.

Thank you for being an integral part of our farm this season and moving with us through all of this season's challenges. We hope that the farm was a bright spot for you while also providing delicious, fresh and nutritious produce for your table.

We could not, and would not, do this without the enthusiastic support of you - our community. It is an honor to do this work and we look forward to feeding you all for many years to come.

Thank you for a great season,
Nic and The Native Hill Farm Crew

This Week's Harvest:
Spinach (fingers crossed we can dig it out or it melts out in time)
Arugula (farm stand early week)
Broccoli Raab (farm stand early week)
Cherry Belle Red Radish
Fall Radish Medley
Watermelon Radish
Fall Greens Mix (petite curly kale, tuscan kale, and swiss chard) (farm stand early week)
Baby Red Russian Kale
Hakurei Salad Turnips (Sweet Turnips)
Yellow Onions
Green Cabbage
Red Beets
Heirloom Garlic
Mixed Fingerling Potatoes
Yukon Gold Potatoes (farm stand only)
Blue Hubbard Squash
Pie Pumpkins (farm stand only)
Butternut Squash
Kabocha Squash
Handmade forever wreaths (farm stand only)
Dried Everlasting Bouquets (market)

Note: Store winter squash in your house or pantry (ideal temps at 50–60°F/10–15°C, with 50–70% relative humidity and good ventilation). If you are decorating with them outside, pull them inside if their will be a low below 40 degrees F.